Milford continues to have the highest incidence of Covid 19 in the country, while Letterkenny’s incidence rate is the third highest.
Of Donegal’s seven Local Electoral Areas, five recorded increases in the two weeks to Monday last, May 3rd. One saw its case number fall, and one remained the same.
The biggest percentage rise was in the Donegal Electoral Area, with 21 cases, an increase of 91%. However, the incidence rate of 79.3 cases per 100,000 people is still substantially lower than the national average.
Milford remains virtually unchanged with 94 cases, one more than last week. That gives it an incidence rate of 682.6, still the highest in the county and the state.
Letterkenny recorded a fall of 7.9% with 163 cases, and a rate of 547.1, while Glenties saw a rise of 17% with 69 cases and a rate of 288.8.
Lifford Stranorlar had 64 cases, a rise of 56% and a rate of 247.2.
With 52 cases, South Inishowen recorded a 6% increase with an incidence rate of 232.5, which North Inishowen was unchanged with 23 cases and a rate of 135.6.