In Australia, the 14-day travel restrictions for those who have visited locations of interest means they cannot travel to New Zealand within 14 days from exposure – even with a negative COVID-19 test.
The Ministry of Health is updating advice for those who have been in Melbourne recently.
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is requiring everyone who has visited the Greater Melbourne area since May 20 to isolate at their place of residence until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result.
Morrison is set to be in Queenstown on Sunday and Monday for the annual Australia-New Zealand Leaders’ Meeting his counterpart Ardern. He will be accompanied by his wife, Jenny Morrison.
Morrison’s visit to New Zealand will be his first since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The last time the pair shared a podium was in February 2020 in Sydney, where Ardern delivered a stern message to Australia about deportations.
Morrison said earlier this month he was looking forward to the trip and described it as “fitting” that his first visit overseas was to New Zealand.
“Australia and New Zealand are family – and we share deep historical bonds of friendship, trust and the ANZAC spirit. Both Australia and New Zealand have been world leaders in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and this visit is a great illustration of the Trans-Tasman Safe Travel Zone in action.
“We have many shared challenges to discuss. We are key partners in delivering COVID-19 vaccines to our Pacific neighbours, we share common goals and values for the Indo-Pacific region, and we are major trading partners.”